Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Angry kid and Khan

Richie Scotch has a mixed media pic of a pouting child with Khan.
How apt.
Of course it memes easily:


It took me forever because I prefer to know where kid's pics come from: things out in the real world for years are more public domain. This kid even looks a bit like a commonly referenced "youtube star". Its a pic that has been around for a while...so fair game:

Courtesy of Chris Car.

Courtesy of Derek Careless.

Courtesy of Justin Farley.

Courtesy of Steven Pearman.

Courtesy of Mike Swelstad.

Courtesy of Eddie Hagler.

Courtesy of Mark Nowak.

Courtesy of Jennifer Hirst.

Courtesy of Daryll Craig.

Courtesy of Timothy LaBouf.

Courtesy of Alan Knoles.

Courtesy of Rebecca Oxley.
Courtesy of Thomas Lucas.

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