Monday, April 23, 2018

Spock mind melds Trump

Original Post 

Hail, Boggle Barnum, hail. Bringer of the pics to meme. Lol

Seriously  thisis a great one for the All Trek, After Dark.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Alan Knowles.

Courtesy of Kahl Rhoam.

Courtesy of Finn McCool.





Courtesy of Frankie Owens.


Courtesy of Mrrzy Votaw.

Courtesy of Charlie Rose.

Courtesy of Donna Lombardo.

Courtesy of Michael Kafka.


Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas and Kahl Rhoam. 

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Anthony Thompson.
Politically, it's easier to make fun of this from the left. But there are some apolitical ones up in here, and some right leaning. 

And no one bashed anyone else to do this. Funny.

Later entries, lost track:

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