Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Michael and Tilly, running: II

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Jeremy Thibodaux decided to post his response to the Discovery running scene that took off earlier this week or so...

Which drew liberal response, predominatly, only mine were conservative.



The unfortunate part is that I was dealing with wedding photos, and labeling baby pics, so I totally lost track of this one, in the middle of making them.  Rather stressfully. Nothing like having memes pop up right and left when you are trying to take pictures of daddies dancing with their daughters. Nor are they any more fun when they pop up in the middle of you editing said photos, nor when you are writing out what is going on in the pictures, for future generations....

And then Jeremny gave an a heads up that THIS was coming:


(Thank God no one took the bait. I am heartily sick of this one.)

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