Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Archer gone Native.

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This set of memes dates a shift in my life, and in the life of the All Trek forum. In the last months of my mom's life, I would take the time to make these, but then the phone would be put down so I could feed my mom--half the time they weren't even posted to the forum, just promised that I would eventually get to them.  They're days I wouldn't trade for the world, but am also relieved to be out from under that pressure. Not long after this, the All Trek forum would become Five Lights, as it was crushed by the weight of political trolling. A new All Trek was made, and we are slowly transitioning old members in, but the process is a pain in the backside.

The original post, long buried,  has the information on who came up with what. Folks, you're very much appreciated, but I'm cleaning up a backlog, so one day, maybe  we could get back to group meming. Maybe.  But I've traded out a dying mother for 2 demanding toddlers.

Much love, folks, much love.

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