Thursday, March 22, 2018

Party scene from TAS

Boggle Barnum wanted some Memes from TAS. A large party picture was used to bait people into saying things not "fit for public". (Who am I kidding? It was ripe for STD.)


Alas, most are pretty tame. But they are amusing.

Courtesy of Finn McCool.

Courtesy of Dan Randolph.


Addition Courtesy of  Jeremy Georgia.

Courtesy of Joel Brewer.

Courtesy of James Kirk.

Courtesy of Daniel Ohana.

Courtesy of Will Riker.

Courtesy of Leandro Demasceno.

Courtesy of Cristopher Flowers Jr.

Courtesy of Jacob Callais.

Courtesy of Dan Randolph.

Courtesy of Ahmie Kay.

Courtesy of James Williams 


Addition courtesy of Jeremy Georgia.

Courtesy of Jeremy Georgia

Courtesy of Mary Staab.

Courtesy of  Nathan Kaiser.

But I need to put names to these, soon, or they will be lost:
(Edited note: We did lose the forum because of "fake news" in a meme forum. Unfortunately we lost almost everyone, as well.)

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