Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Princess Diana in Star Trek

Mike Mac did a fun one, on honor of the royal wedding. People are still fond of Princess Diana.

Courtesy of  Julian Penglase.

Courtesy of Peter Freeth.
Courtesy of Tim Wilson.

Courtesy of Jeremy Georgia.

Courtesy of Richard Wilson.

Courtesy of Art Scheel.

Courtesy of Matt Schriven.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Robert McCormic III

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Billy Wolf.

Courtesy of Ryan Jackson.

Courtesy of Benjamin Aronow.

Courtesy of Telmouth Gains.

Courtesy of Josephine Cox.

Courtesy of Kyle Smith.

Courtesy of 

Addition courtesy of 

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2018's Memorial Day

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One of the things that makes it hard to tie Star Trek into every holiday, is the scarcity of crossover information...

This is our best tie-in to the military, since TOS:

"Greitens' service organization The Mission Continues has a partnership with Star Trek director J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot Productions and Paramount Pictures, and that led to Greitens and his fellow ex-soldiers being cast as honor guards at a Starfleet memorial ceremony."

There is no one who has died while in military service, yet, that has a tie--that I can find. And with the improvement in percentages of US military that dies, that is going to be harder and harder to reconcile, as a tie-in. (This is a good thing!)

But fans have died in combat. The least we could do is remember the loss of people we could be arguing Discovery with, right now.

I did memorials for the  "big 4", in order to keep it to Star Trek theme:

James Doohan was the one who came closest, since D-day deaths were so tragically random.

 This was really the closest scene to a military style death, that I remember, out of the whole series.

And it got a laugh out of a surviving serviceman. They need laughter on rough days, like Memorial day.

And what's Memorial day without a few graves?  Btw, the coins on Nimoy's grave actually have a Memorial day meaning. Look up the tradition on the coins.

The fun thing about 

The first one I did, as I was looking for filler. I don't like "disrespecting military", and I had concerns with Military getting upset, with this one. Wanted to pull it, but was asked to keep it up.

Sucked to lose him, anyway.

Thanks to all who have done the thankless task, especially those who have paid with their lives.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Blues Brother's TOS

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Mike Mac really loves working with reimaging Kirk. This time it's the Blues Brothers.

Mine required a touch of "storyboarding":

Code of Honor

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This is from one of the most hated shows in TNG.  I generally hold that if it is on par with Spock's Brain, it is indeed Star Trek. Most folks will insist that Code of Honor is such a weasel.

Anyway, Justin Minor posted it with this subtitle:

Wakanda Forever!
The Black Panther movie was no where near as bad as this mess of an episode. He did it just to mess with people, and express his opinion that the movie sucked.  But, at least everyone started making fun of a bad episode.

Courtesy of Jeremy Thibodaux.

Layout, mine. Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Layout, mine. Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Bill Teo and Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Richard Teasdale.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Add caption

Courtesy of Michael Kafka.
Courtesy of Arend Mayes and Jason Waldrop.

Really, this is one of the better ways to deal with something awful: make fun of it.

Edit: Something we aren't allowed to do anymore without accusations flying everywhere. 2020 was so disparaging that I even stopped memeing for about 2 months. Plain burned out. This was old, December of 2018, for Kwanzaa.

Of all the vagaries of life, I never expected to see anything close to the Bell Riots.