Monday, May 21, 2018

Reception scene: Kirk and Sarek

This picture, courtesy of David Gill, was interesting to work with. There's just too much going on visually.

Courtesy of Alan Knoles.

Mine. A Red Dwarf reference.

Courtesy of Mark Nowak and Robert Maidena. 

Courtesy of Robert Maidena.

Courtesy of Chris Mohr.

Courtesy of Alan Levi.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Chris Petree.


Courtesy of Rob Denham.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Les Kimbler.

Courtesy of Mike Shepard.

And this is the evidence of why color text doesn't work well on this colorful a pic.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

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