Thursday, June 7, 2018

Kirk and Hillary

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Boggle Barnum started this mess. It's probably the best and most flattering mod with Clinton in Trek that I have seen, to date.

Courtesy of Les Kimbler and Ryan Michael.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Glenn Ross and Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Eric Konyn.


Courtesy of Khal Roam.

Courtesy of Eric Konyn.


Courtesy of Paul Costello.


Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Rob Denham requested her in a red shirt. Took some coloring to force it there.

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