Monday, May 14, 2018

Mirror Spock and Barney Fife

William Krauss did well with this black and white...altercation. 


Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Martin Bend.

Courtesy of Xander Flannigan.

Courtesy of Mark Janis.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Edward Fraraccio and Alex Jeffries. 

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of Kenneth Lockett.

Courtesy of Mary Staab.

Courtesy of Kevin Thomas.

Courtesy of James Parsons.

Courtesy of Les Kimbler.

Courtesy of Tom Shannigan.

Courtesy of Betty Farve.

Courtesy of Greg Levers.

Courtesy of Toby Heath.

Courtesy of Chance Templar.

Courtesy of Shelly Wilson.

Courtesy of Kevin Anderson.

Courtesy of Martin Bend.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

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