Tuesday, May 22, 2018

100th post Best Of:

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Honestly, I thought my husband would choose more of them, since he found them amusing when they were done, but since he's choosing "the best", some whole pages didn't make the cut.

He enjoyed the "typical male response".

From Here

He loves Kilts. Although he's not Scotsman, it's my bloodline and he apropriates it.

From here

His whole thought while looking at them was "look at how fat kirk was!"

From Here

This one is more an inside joke, but one I've been repeating here: the ideas/words come from the one who thinks of it, but usually it's 1 person actually putting them together. For Super Spock, Mike Mac did the brunt of the work before I got online, and was tired. Tim actually laughed when he saw this one.

From Here
Tim said he heard this in Trump's voice.

From Here

Tim is a child of the '80s.

From Here

Tim loves Galaxy Quest. And it does not often come up in the memes. No wonder he chose this.

From Here

Tim couldn't choose a single one: he liked them all from this post: but then, he is a wrestling nerd.

From Here

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