Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Bridges of Madison County / Star Trek Mashup

So, I have decided to do some movie/Trek mashups, and offer them for memeing. From expereince, by now, most people can't think of a single thing to put on them--so if my sole goal was that, I would be terribly disappointed...

Yes, terribly disappointed with this magnificence.

The frightening thing is that if I really wanted to, I could just meme them for myself, carrying on 1-man conversations with myself "in the public square"...you know, get labeled as crazy.

As if this is not a tad insane.

Nothing normal about this.

*cakles maniacally*

Now, THIS one is mundane.

At least Mike Mac had some pity on me, and created one....

I wouldn't even have thought of it.

Which spawned the rest of the "Wait" from me:

Not posted. Those who don't open the friggen link will miss this one.  I really just like having 1 meme per pic before I close it down.

And a couple of more, for good measure:

I really could just do this all day, if it wasn't for having a life. Lol

Aaaaand...somebody is late to the party:

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