Monday, April 30, 2018

Worf Pain Stick Limbo

Mike W. Mills came out with this:

And the Klingon quote to go with it:

So my brain went stupid:

Others then joined in the fray...

Courtesy of Giles Tweedie.

Courtesy of Michael Melton.

Courtesy of Faizel Salleh.

My response.

Courtesy of Jason Johnson.

My response.

Courtesy of James Williams.



And I lost track of this...and had to go digging for it. Not the first time.

Courtesy of Landon Erp.

Courtesy of Jordan Thompson.

 (I still do not enjoy Carl's reference...)

Courtesy of Carlo NiƱo.

Courtesy of Jerry Padilla.

Courtesy of  Aspen Knight.

Courtesy of Robert Cartnal II.

Courtesy of Duval Guerino.

Courtesy of Jose Ortiz.

Courtesy of Matt Lause.

Courtesy of Craig Harris.

Courtesy of Ronnie Steadman.

Courtesy of Daryll Craig.

 Courtesy of Chris McGraw.

One reported to be floating around the web.

Courtesy of David Reitz.
Courtesy of Lee Andres.

Combination of Scott Kelly and Mike Mills.

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