Monday, April 2, 2018

War posters

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War Propaganda Parodies are a common meme theme. I figured it would be fun to Trekify, and it was. Just 2 of us actually worked on making any of them about Trek: me and Mike Mac:

Suitable for memeing sites.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Addition Courtesy of Lilian.

This one lead to a mini-meme workshop, where we showcased different ways of handling working in superimposed faces:
Courtesy of Mike Mac.
Various aspects between Mike and I, along with the origins poster.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.


Ready for punchline.

A little easier to use on memeing  sites.


Courtesy of Timothy Orgeron.



Others (Daniel Ohana, Kenneth Kilpatrick) posted obviously original artwork that was of a similar style.

Would like to find where it originated from.

 Would like to find where it originated from.

Would like to find where it originated from.

Would like to find where it originated from.

Would like to find where it originated from.

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