Monday, April 23, 2018


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The Biting Pear of Salmanca or  Lolwut? is a pretty old Meme.
Generic lolwut pear.

Trying to Trekify it was fun, but it was a slow start because people don't remember this one  for all that it was popular. I still use lolwut? for crazy comments.  But it did get fair response...
Data pear.

Response by Mike Mac.

Laforge pear.

Definately mine.

Ferengi. JT's.

JT's. Response on a meme post.

Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Should be mine. Don't think Mike did this one.

Mine or Mike's.

Definately Mike's. Didn't know where to go with it...

My response.

Grammar correction by: Marc Mann.

Mike Mac's.

Mike Mac's.

JT's cuckoo mess

Mine.  Pic research thanks to Mike Mac.


Random response to another post  pears and green writing, mine.


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