Thursday, April 5, 2018

TOS Loveboat: Spock and Bones

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Original Post

Mike Mac does some fun work. (Edit: he says Paul Costello was the inspiration.)  Really, I should have thought of this one, myself, but I barely remember the show.

And a diverse group of members responded to it:

Courtesy of Rob Kitson.

Courtesy of David Sanchez.

Courtesy of Brian Aujero.

Courtesy of Khal Roam's.

Courtesy of Lilian Winans.

Courtesy of Michael Samuels.

Courtesy of Billy Wolf.

Courtesy of Paul Costello.

Courtesy of Erik Howell.


Courtesy of Mike Mac.

Courtesy of Alan Knowles.

Courtesy of Alan Knowles.

Courtesy of Theremib Barney.

Courtesy of Steven Wright.

Courtesy of Kahl Rhoam.

Courtesy of Tom Shananigan.

Courtesy of Jason Cofer.

Courtesy of William Reed V.

Courtesy of Ray Matthews.

Courtesy of David EmDub.

Courtesy of Melvin Manresa.

Courtesy of Lilian Winans.

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